Monday, March 5, 2012

Dear drivers:

Dear T drivers:

There are cuts coming.  Not just to service and discount fares, but to your compensation as well.  Yeah, I know, you have a union, blah blah blah.  But the MBTA needs to balance its budget, and you guys are part of the problem, which means you will be part of the solution.  So if I were you, I'd be going for the hearts and minds of the passengers now, not when your spokesperson starts telling the world how unfair it is that you will have to pay a higher portion of your healthcare costs.

Here's what I'm going to remember over the past few days: Last week, when it was pouring rain, you wouldn't open the back doors to the train.  It's rush hour, which means that there are dozens of people trying to board.  Thanks for making us wait.  Likewise, I was running for the door at Gov't Center and your driver slammed the door in my face.  Then you just sat on the track waiting but wouldn't open the door.  Gee, thanks.

I understand that you guys have very little power in the world, and your job is the one area where you get to exercise that power.  Hope it makes you feel better, because passengers remember, and you won't end up getting much sympathy when negotiations come.  The rest of us have been doing more work for less total compensation over the last few years.  You will be joining us.

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