Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The time has come: The MBTA is finally examining fare increases

That staple of Green Line reading, The Metro, wrote that the MBTA is finally examining fare increases and service cutbacks.  Well, it's about freakin' time.  For those not acquainted with Business 101, see the following:

Revenues-Expenses=What's left

No, I do not view the T as a profit entity, but it has to be more self sustaining.  Unless the employees take a pay cut or maintenance expenses magically disappear, neither of which is likely, expenses will stay where they are (more on that later).  Revenues come from a variety of sources, but the main ones are the government and fares, in that order (government=taxes).  Let's not kid ourselves that the government has any more money to give, meaning that fares are next.

According to The Metro, the T is considering some pretty massive increases.  Charlie Card rides could go from $1.70 to as high as $2.40, while individual tickets could go from $2 to $3.  Bus rides could see increases from $1.25 to $1.75, while parking could be up almost 30%.  All of these depend on which plan is chosen.

Expenses: Since the only way to eliminate expenses is to eliminate trains, that's what the T is discussing.  The big ones would be weekend elimination of the E train on the Green line and weekend Commuter Rails.  Northeastern students (and downtown bars), you're kinda screwed.

The good news is that not all of the above is going to happen.  Like any good negotiation, the MBTA is putting out the most radical proposal so, when it comes in better, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.  We will likely see 30%ish fare increases, putting the Charlie Card ride at $2.25.  Parking will see similar increases, while the E train and weekend Commuter Rail services will see cutbacks, but not eliminations.

Here's a suggestion: Use the funds to hire a few people to enforce fare evaders at the biggest stations.  Government Center, Park Street and the airport all stand out.  Seriously, there always seems to be an open gate and no employees at those stations.

Oh, and to the guy who was quoted as saying that he would walk rather than ride the T if fares went up, you're an idiot.  You don't get something for nothing, even with tax dollars.

Do me a favor: I'm checking something here, so if you see an ad to the right, please click it and leave it open for 5-10 seconds.  Thank you.

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